Sunday, July 20, 2014

What the Heck is This?

Hi, my name is Putu Mark, and I have an obsession with Shakespeare and way too much free time. That's why I've decided to take my all time favorite play of his, "Hamlet", and modernize it. Briefly - before I begin publishing the actual story - I'd like to go over a summary of the story and then an explanation of it. And since brevity is the soul of wit, I shall be brief, so here goes!
Summary: Facing a lack of closure over her mother's death three-years previously, Amy drags her best friend Tori along on a quest to seek closure with her estranged family. Little do they know that everything has changed - and not for the better. It might just be Amy's imagination, but her aunt and father just seem a little bit too close... It's up to Amy and Tori to find the truth about Amy's mother's death before it's too late... Told from the perspective of different characters and their blogs, diaries, journals, and notes.
Amy Hill - Dark, brooding, clever, and perfect. Female Hamlet, duh. Definitely would be played by Lupita Nyong'o. 
Tori - Amy's only friend. Female Horatio. Played by Hana Mae Lee in my mind. 
Claudia - Amy's devoutly religious aunt. Female Claudius.
George - Amy's agoraphobic, paralyzed father. Male Gertrude. 
Dr. Porter - Amy and Oliver's shady therapist. Female Polonius. 
Oliver - Amy's Prince Charming who is just a bit too perfect... Male Ophelia. 
Lae - Oliver's mysterious sister. Female Laertes.
Rose - Female Rosencrantz. 
Jill - Female Guildenstern. 
Barbara - Female Fortinbras. Yes, I have this obscure character in here, because why not? 

Like the play "Hamlet", there will be five 'acts' or (seasons, for lack of a better word) of this story. Each season will have three episodes, and each episode will have three parts. Additionally, there will also be little ficlets exploring other characters' lives.

Now onto the Explanation
  • Why genderswap? I think a better question is "Why not genderswap?" "Hamlet" is a very male-oritented, mysogynistic play, so I thought it would be an interesting take on such a classic story.   Making Hamlet female just seemed like such a brilliant idea, and soon as they other characters followed suit into their opposite genders. I'm obviously pretty proud of myself for coming up with the idea. It will be fun to see what I can do with such a masculine play...
  • Why modernize it? One word: Hipsters. Specifically: Hipster Hamlet. Yes, that will be a thing. Why wouldn't that be a thing? Ah, and what a beautiful thing it is. 
  • Why a diary/blog/journal/thing? The simple fact is: "Hamlet" has been done to death. Literally (ha!). I wanted to take it in a new and original direction, while still sticking to the good ol' source material. A blog just seemed so obvious. 
  • Romance? Aw yeah. Get ready for some gay. I'm a big supporter of the LGBTQ community, and I feel like there aren't enough characters like that. I'm also a huge supporter of minority, disabled, and POC characters. I love to have diversity in my stories. Above all, I'm a big supporter of equality and love.
Expect the first episodes in the next few days! Just a note: I'm an aspiring author, and so I'd love to know any comments, thoughts, reviews, suggestions, or reactions you have at all regarding the story. Please tell me about any grammatical errors, and such. 
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy! 

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